A horse with a club foot is kind of like a horse in high heels The hoof angle becomes raised and the horse walks on his toe due to a shortening of the musculotendinous unit (the unit includingFetlock is a term used for the joint where the cannon bone, the proximal sesamoid bones, and the first phalanx (long pastern bone) meet The pastern is the area between the hoof and the fetlock joint Disorders of the fetlock and pastern include conditions such as fractures, osteoarthritis, osselets, ringbone, sesamoiditis, synovitis, andClub Feet With the Club Foot, one foot is steeper than the other It wants to, needs to, etc but it is not a hoof problem The horse is adapting to something else Go on a detective mission There is/was an injury, nerve damage, or opposite hind stifle problem as examples Massage folks can really help the club foot horse
Recognizing And Managing The Club Foot In Horses Horse Journals
Club foot horse pictures